Ten years ago: Bob Dylan, 'Christmas In The Heart,' and the Kubler-Ross model (My review)
Credit: SONY/Searching For A Gem Just over ten years ago,on December 22, 2009, I published this review of Bob Dylan's 2009 holiday album, Christmas in the Heart, for my Bob Dylan Examiner column, which is no longer available online. I thought I'd re-post it here for 'tis the season. Note the preview of the so-called Sinatra-era. Enjoy! Review: Dylan, 'Christmas In The Heart,' and the Kubler-Ross model - National Bob Dylan | Examiner.com ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT DECEMBER 22, 2009 BY: HAROLD LEPIDUS (c) When there is some sort of shock in one's life, there is a theory that one goes through five stages of grief, also known as the Kubler-Ross model. These stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Bob Dylan fans are familiar with these feelings. When he went electric. When he went country. When he put out Self Portrait. When he "found Jesus" and stopped singing his old songs. When he made Hearts...